Monday, February 21, 2011


K put in a request for some cooking posts (kinda), so I'm obliging. The name of the dish:

Whole Wheat Pasta with Chicken Sausage, Chickpeas, and Garlicky Greens

People who will probably like it: K (with modifications), Dave, Fitty
People who might like it: Jing
People who won't like it: AK

Ease of cooking (1-easy, 10, hard as shit): 2
-Very little advanced prep, gotta cook the sausage and everything else is frozen/canned

Flavor (1-cardboard, 10-best shit ever): 6
-My flavor scale might be too wide, it was pretty good. I actually didn't have the parmigiana cheese and it was still quite tasty, but I did add an extra tablespoon of soy sauce. Oh, and
I didn't have a full pound of frozen spinach so I added some frozen broccoli

Will this be a repeat meal: Yes, it was easy, tasty, and fairly healthy

You wanna make it, click this ish

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Uga Flugga Flame

Got my new credit card in the mail today....How Bout Them Dawgs!

I was originally going to skip getting a credit card when I opened my new bank account, but when I saw I could get this on it....I was sold.