Monday, November 30, 2009
The Double Cheas Gave It Away
Drexel v. Cornell, and what the Giants should do.
On to the Giants: I don't see any reason to keep playing Eli the rest of the season. With the Plantar Fascitis in one foot and a stress reaction in the other the Giants are asking for trouble. I also think that Brandon Jacobs should go under some sort of full medical evaluation. He has yet to be on his game this season, and with how good the passing game was earlier in the year it doesn't seem like it's just defenses keying on him. I wouldn't be surpised if they announce that he has a leg injury at the end of the season. Put in Carr, rest anyone who is at risk of aggravating an injury, test some of the rookies, and start planning for next year. I don't advocate giving up on a season and if Eli wasn't hurt I wouldn't say pull him just in case but given the scenario, I don't see why he should still be playing.
At least this season provided two highlights: beating the Cowboys in their stadium grand opening, and beating AK's Falcons and the Jammed Toe Experience.
Better Late than Never
Strange Encounters... of the NFL Kind
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Factually Correct
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
An assortment of thoughts
- Does anyone do work the day before Thanksgiving? I'm doing a little, but with no one around it's hard to get anything significant done...works for me.
- How do the Maple Leafs outshoot the Islanders 61-21 and lose 4-3 in OT. Terrible goaltending I guess.
- What's the best show on television right now? I think Dexter, it's been really good this season.
- Thanksgiving is pretty trill, but having the Giants game on NFL network is not. Though it might be on network TV in Canada....
- Best Thanksgiving food: probably stuffing or mashed potatoes. Turkey is overrated.
- Is it really worth standing in line at a store at 4AM for a TV, when you can probably find it online for the same price or very close to it? Nah.
- I'm looking forward to watching Transformers 2 on my flight today. It probably won't be a good movie, but a lot of it was shot in Philly and part of it at Drexel, so that will be trill.
- Is Jim (The Office) a good manager? Not really, but he might be on his way to getting better. I like that he put his foot down to Ryan. Clutch
- If I buy a blu-ray movie, what should I get? It has to be an action flick and something recent so the HD is really trill. I'm thinking Iron Man, it was a solid movie all around.
- If Cam'ron needs some money he should partner with Zip-loc to make his own line of bags: Dip-loc, "lock that food up...so it can't snitch"
- 1080P Youtube looks great, but it was really choppy on my work computer. Picture quality is still really good.
I think that's it. I'll try to provide some more updates over the break. Have a good holiday everyone!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Greatest Trip to Target, Ever.
I think this might be the exact one...
After that I remembered that I had to get some ink for my printer, so I headed over to electronics. While browsing the wonderful selection of HP ink, I noticed that they had an all-in-one printer, scanner, copier for $40, the same price as the ink I was about to buy. Now I had been jonesing for one of these suckers for a long time, so I copped that real quick. I also got some photo paper and another color ink for only $10 thanks to an on the box coupon.
After grabbing that, what did I stumble upon next? A set of inner ear headphones with a mic for $18, double score! I had also been looking for these for a long time since the ones that come with the iPhone suck, and most cost around $80. The sound quality isn't great for music, but it's fine for talking and that's all i want it for since the iPhones speakerphone is kinda whack. It's not worth finding a picture of these, I don't remember what brand they are.
And finally, the piece de resistance. I decided to purchase Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. I played COD:MW on my computer back in the day (2008) and it was a sick game. I bought World at War for PS3 but wasn't too impressed. However, I had heard great things about MW2 since it was back with Infinity Ward (game developers). I decided to buy it on the spot, and now after playing it for a few hours these past couple days, I'll give brief review.
Overall the game is sick. It's pulled me in a lot more than World at War ever did. Maybe it's because modern weapons are cooler, I'm not sure, but I've had tons of fun playing it. The game features some cool new features like a gun with a heartbeat sensor so you can see when enemies are approaching (not all guns have this). It also has really great cut scenes, which MW1 also had. Overall the game play is pretty good. I like that there is some slight auto aim if you get close enough to an enemy and then look down your sight, it helps when transitioning from the PC. I also think that it does pretty well at realism, at certain times I've felt like I have no idea what's going on and I'm just shooting everywhere as my jeep tears through a city which probably happens more often than we think. Not everything is perfect though, you die when getting runover by a snowmobile, however when you're driving the snowmobile and hit a tree it just slows you down, you don't even get knocked off. I might update as I play more, and I haven't played online yet, but I've heard it's pretty good.
One other thing, maybe I'm giving Infinity Ward too much credit, but one of the storylines is that Russia attacks the US on our own soil, so you end up fighting in Northern Virginia, and maybe other places. I just think it's really outside of the box thinking to not use the same old world hot spots (Middle East, Afghanistan, Kosovo) for all the missions to occur. It's weird trying to fight your way over to Burger Town and Nate's Diner to get ground to air missles.
Friday, November 20, 2009
So It's More Posts You Desire...Eh?
On a side note, I am now the proud owner of the best RB group in the Ithaca fantasy football league (thanks AK). We'll see whether it pays off since I am probably now the proud owner of the worst WR group....
I think I'll be doing a post about fantasy football soon, just my thoughts on it and my experience as a commish.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Bill Belichick is an Asshole
Video below.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
It's Hot Fiyah!
On a side note, I thought I bought lentil soup at the store, and it turned out to be split pea soup...GROSS!
My career goal is to be a VP of Epic Footage.
Awesome new commercial:
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Lil Jon
I'm sure when Lil Jon heard that he was going to be featured he said:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Honestly, eBay is, as Dave would say, the shiz. Trying to pick up a Leafs jersey for Dave right now, and looking at $10.49 which would be a deal so sick it should be called H1N1. I'll update once the auction is done (30 minutes).
15 minutes left and still in the lead. I've gotten some ill things off of ebay for cheap. Osi Umenyiora jersey for $40 (legit, sewn nameplate, etc.) Air mattress for like $20, it's come in handy many a time (ask the sTuNNa ChEA!) Maple Leafs tickets from a dude in Delaware. I used to be wary of eBay, but so far I've had nothing but good experiences (knock on wood).
**Update II**
COUNT IT. Won that ish for a grand total of $21 with shipping. Now we'll be looking fresh to death walking into Wachovia Center this winter. CHEA!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Clutch Mugshot
Windows 7
Overall, I've been really happy with W7. I got a new computer a couple of years ago and it came with Vista, which honestly, I never really had any problems with, but it definitely wasn't the greatest operating system. I think W7 has brought a lot of great tweaks and improvements. I'm not someone who goes nuts tweaking his computer, so most of my comments will focus on top level stuff.
Taskbar: The taskbar is sick. The preview functionality allows you to move your mouse over a tab (Firefox for example) and see mini previews of all your open windows and as you roll over those it shows the full size version. Makes it really easy to switch windows, and is really useful when you just need to quickly look at a window and then switch back to your original one.
Media Center: In Vista Pro they didn't give you Media Center, so I really have no comparison, but W7 Media Center is awesome. The best part is definitely the built in streaming Netflix capability, absolutely clutch if you're a Netflix subscriber. You can download a patch that links it directly to Hulu desktop, and hopefully MS will work out a deal with Hulu so it can be fully integrated.
File Storage: W7 has added a feature called Libraries which compiles all your files of the same extension. For example if you have 20 different files with music in them, all of your music will be in the music library so you don't need to switch between all of the folders.
Appearance: W7 has the best desktop/theme feature of Windows OS I've seen. Automatic desktop background switching, a TON of different built in and downloadable themes and overall a really nice aesthetic appeal. I'd say this puts Windows in a very good position to compete with Mac's well publicized looks.
Overall I'd say if you have a PC, the upgrade to W7 is worth it. I went for a clean install because my computer was starting to slow down anyways, and I wanted to get the feeling of a fresh computer again. Speaking of speed, so far it's booted really fast and programs have loaded really well. If you're a student, rock the $30 student deal.
Quick screenshot, plus a good look at the libraries feature:
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Long Time, No See
ANYWAYS, let's get to blogging and start with AK's favorite topic: hockey.
The Maple Leafs beat the Red Wings to get their first win streak of the season, two games! Can they keep it up? I hope so!
In Gustavsonn I trust!
And now, I'll leave you with this: