I need a good sports blog to read, I'm not looking for a sport specific blog, I want a general one that covers all sports. Currently I read Deadspin, but honestly, I'm getting tired of it. Over the years it has turned into more and more of a gossip column as opposed to an actual discussion/analysis of sports.

I think one story about drunk Jets' fans is enough, I think the current count is 5-6
I'm looking for something that has a mix of humor and analysis, not something that is just going to throw stats around like candy on flag day.
Wishful thinking: imagine PTI in blog form
I've heard of Kissing Suzy Kolber, Awful Announcing, and a few others but I've never read them. The blog must not be written like Jing's, i.e. no punctuation/capitalization, all one paragraph jammed together. Let me know what you guys think.
Side note, a search of sports blogs results in a list of "Top Sites;" number 4 is a Korean football blog...I might have to check that out!
A now for something completely different:
***I have tried for half an hour to get this screenshot from google, but it ain't workin, so here:
When you type "why" into google it gives a bunch of auto fill options, two are very interesting.
The first is "why does my vag smell?", no I'm no expert (thankfully) but I'm thinking that there are quite a few reasons that a chick could have some stink down there, but are there really so many reasons that it's the second recommended result for "why?!"
The other one is "why can't I buy a Canadian?"....what? But it got me thinking, if I could purchase a person from any country, it would definitely be a tiny Irish person. Basically I would pay him to be an alarm clock and every morning when it was time to wake up he would yell "TOP O' THE MARNIN TO YA!" and me smacking him in the face would be the snooze button.
That is all.
Also among the good whys: Why do men have nipples; why do dogs eat poop.
ReplyDeleteAs for sports I just espn.com and mostly just nba daily dime.