Man, I haven't blogged in mad long. I did Erin Express this weekend, which is a yearly bar crawl in Philly on the two Saturdays before St. Patricks. Basically it's a bunch of Irish bars who pay for buses to take people between all of them from noon to 5:30 PM. I actually didn't end up riding the bus but I went to two of the bars (Roosevelts and Drinkers, for my Philly people). Both places were packed liked sardines, which I kind of figured, but I think it was worse because it was raining so people couldn't go outside at any of the bars. I see the appeal of a bar crawl but honestly, these places were way too packed. I could barely get a drink let alone have enough room to feel relaxed. That became tiresome pretty quickly so Preethi and I decided to grab some dinner and figure out the next place to go. While doing that I got a text from some co-workers who were in the city and at a bar near by, so we decided to check it out. This place was awesome. It's the Good Dog bar and as the name implies, the place has pictures of dogs everywhere. I don't know if they're dogs that the owners/employees/patrons own, but they had a lot of dog pictures. Though it didn't have a lot of taps, the options it had were great. I feel shamed, but I don't remember any of the specific beer, but everything on tap was high quality. The place wasn't big, but had the right amount of people to be vibrant, but not crowded, definitely an enjoyable experience.
Actual Good Dog, dog. Also the best breed ever!
After Good Dog the new group we were with headed to Manayunk (outside center city Philly) and went to Kildare's (Irish bar). Didn't have much time at Kildare's before having to get the train, but the drive over was the experience. We caught a ride with a co-worker and once we got into the Manayunk area it seemed like every road was closed because of fallen trees. Every turn we tried to make had a tree in the way, so eventually we decided to fix the problem. We stopped the car, hopped out, and dragged the tree and branches out of the way. While doing this one of the lumberjacks noticed that there was a wire hanging in the tree we were trying to move. Though it wasn't the best idea, he decided to just grab it and throw it out of the way. Luckily the thing was either a telephone line or not active and he didn't fry himself. Once we got all the trees out of the way we were able to get to the bar.
Speaking of trees, this is what I encountered when I pulled into my parking lot (pic taken next day):
You can't see it, but the top of the tree completely took out the rear hatch of an SUV that happened to get in its way. Man am I glad it had fallen before I decided where to park.