I saw Cop Out over the weekend and based on the trailer I went into the movie with extremely low expectations. It looked like one of those movies that uses all its good lines in the trailer and hopes that people show up just because it has some big name actors in it. However, the one thing that kept me slightly hopeful was something I didn't pick up on until I probably saw about 20 previews: Directed by Kevin Smith. I'm a big Kevin Smith fan. He's had his flops (Jersey Girl) and many of his movies that I find hilarious have not gotten good reviews (Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back) but I think he's done some great comedy gems. So when I heard that he directed Cop Out, it gave me a glimmer of hope (which by the way has a 19% on Rotten Tomatoes...) Now that all that is out of the way, let's get to the movie.
(No Spoilers other than very general plot lines)
The movie is basically about two NYPD partners who are complete opposites (Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan), basically a modern day Drag Net. They get involved in some hijinks that involve Seann William Scott and end up pursuing the leader of a drug gang. There's a sappy background story for Bruce Willis and a pretty funny background story for Tracy Morgan, neither of which I will get into. Seann William Scott is basically only in the movie to add comedy, and he does a pretty good job. Some of his gimmicks get repetitive but the combination of him and Tracy Morgan is pretty good. This movie is definitely cliche filled, but still found it pretty hilarious. Some may disagree (almost every critic does) so let me know what you think in the comments. Is it worth paying to see in theaters? Not really unless you really want to go see a movie, but it's definitely worth watching.
I really wanna see this. Got a free movie ticket, too.