First, here are the times I left work this past week (normally try to work 8-5):
Monday- 6:30 PM
Tuesday-8:30 PM
Wednesday-5:00 PM (had to hide in a co-workers office to make that happen)
Thursday- 1:00 AM
Friday- 7:00 PM
This was the most hectic week at work I've had yet, I won't get into details but it was ridiculous. Also, none of this was working from home, I was at the plant for all of this. I was going to ask for a comp day for all that time, but my boss told me to put in for OT (not normally allowed) so that will be a nice little bonus.
Stanley Cup Prediction: Chicago will win it (shout out to Jing!) but I could be very wrong, I don't see a clear favorite this year. If you liked Olympic hockey I encourage you to watch some playoff hockey in the later rounds (or if Washington and Pittsburgh play each other). Very high intensity and minimal, if any, fighting (shout out to Alex!).
Movie I'm trying to see: Iron Man 2
I think Iron Man is not only an extremely baller super hero movie but also a legitimately good movie. Iron Man 2 looks like it could be super trill, so I'm really hoping it lives up to expectations. Plus, you've got Gwyneth Paltrow as a red head (nice) and scarlett johansson (extra nice).
Album I'm Looking Forward To: King Uncaged
TI has quickly become one of my favorite rappers. He's got really good flow and some great production on his albums, so how can you go wrong.
Nerdiest Thing I've Done In a While: Asked for this clock, and got it as an early birthday present (3 months early...)

Yes, that is a clock made out of a computer cool.
Plan for the next couple months (no exact Ithaca dates, assume a few days each time):
April- Ithaca
May- Chicago
June- London + 1 European City....
July- Ithaca
September- Probably Ithaca again
Can't plan past here
I think that's it kids, I'll try to get back to more regular posting!
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