Sunday, August 29, 2010

National Signing Week Update 2

Another day, another loser! It's elimination time again and one of the aforementioned teams will not be getting a rose tonight. What they will be getting however, is a lifetime of ineptitude since they will not be receiving the good luck that comes with my support (just ask the past two world series winners).

And the loser is (once again, highlight to reveal):


Syracuse is already the team I support through March Madness, and I'm just not ready to commit to them full time (gotta play the field a little). Additionally, as a football school they don't have much to offer. One of the main benefits of rooting for them would be going to the Dinosaur BBQ if I were to ever see a game of theirs, but I can go to the Dinosaur anyways, so who cares.

Additionally, Syracuse's most recent notable alumni is Donovan McNabb who has only played for teams that I cannot support in any way, shape, or form. That doesn't play a major role in my decision, but it certainly doesn't help.

Sorry Syracuse, but I still love your BBQ.

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