Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week 8 Picks

I know it's been mad long since not only a picks post, but any sort of post, so hopefully this makes up for it slightly. I just realized that I should have used Halloween music, but listen to the end of the track and it will explain why I'm not going to correct for that.

Here be them picks!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Another thing I love about the South:

They are obsessed with football. High school football is super legit down here and college football is outta control. If I hadn't come down here twice already, there's no way I would be as interested in college football as I am now. Here's to having both Saturday and Sunday locked down from September through January now.....

Another thing I hate about the South:

They have no clue how to establish an internet connection. They didn't do it well in Georgia and they haven't done it well in South Carolina. I can't even use youtube here. This ish is outta control and unacceptable.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

5 Best Things About the South

Boom, followup post. Let's get right into it.

5) The weather
--Though Alex might disagree, the weather is super trill. Now, I've never been in the South in August, so that could change my mind, but right now I'm loving it. It's been mad warm and not raining at all. I have been told that in the summer you don't want to go outside, so that could kinda suck, but I'd take this weather in October anytime.

4) Cost of living
--Stuff is so cheap here. Gas is mad cheap, rent is mad cheap, strip clubs are mad cheap (though it seems like you get what you pay for....), tickets to football games are mad cheap (Jim Jones: Scalpers!). It just seems like your money goes a lot further down here, which is always nice, especially since my last trip was to Europe where American money is basically toilet paper.

3) Everyone is nice
--I'm sure there are A-holes, but everyone I have encountered has been real nice. When I was looking at colleges niceness was something I avoided (sounds weird) but it is a refreshing change of pace now. Fast food employees are nice to you and don't seem like they despise their job like they do in the Northeast. It seems like the only people who aren't nice are greedy ass ticket scalpers who be trying to snatch your ish.

2) The food
--Southern food is super trill. BBQ, soul food, fast food (southern only chains), it's all great. I've eaten more BBQ this week than I have in a long time, and it's all been amazing. The best was probably found in Johnson City, Tennessee at Dixie BBQ. The food was outstanding, but the decor coincided with the Worst List #1. The concept of the BBQ buffet is also a great idea. Since BBQ is meant to be slow cooked and sit around, it really doesn't lose much when served buffet style like other cuisines do. Plus BBQ buffets fit in nicely with #4.

Honestly, these girls would probably get a B grade at most, while in the Northeast it would probably be a solid A

1) The girls
--Southern girls are absolutely gorgeous. They know how to dress up and the accent is killer. Whoever came up with the idea that girls need to dress up for football games like they're going to a cocktail party is a genius and should be given an award. Taking these trips down South has definitely increased my interest in blondes (Jing moment) and really made me think about what I would do for a girl (go to church?? ennnnhhhhh, debatable). Walking around Athens on game day was a complete sensory overload in the best of ways.

5 Worst Things About the South

After spending a full week in the South, there are a lot of things I really enjoy, but some things that they can approve on. Here are the top 5 worst things about the South.

5) It smells
--I'm not sure why, but the South smells. In both Georgia and South Carolina I've run into this weird sulfur smell in the air and I don't know exactly what's causing it. Alex apparently was told that in Athens it's caused by a nearby syrup plant, plausible, but it doesn't explain why it's persisted in South Carolina. A quick google of the issue did not reveal any answers.

4) Guys with a southern accent/stupid people
--A southern accent on girls is amazing, but it just makes guys sound like idiots. I was going to make this one saying that the people are kind of dumb, but I'm not sure it's true (probably is, updated to just come out and say it). At the very least they sound a lot dumber than they do in the North and the accent is largely the reason. However, the accent alone isn't the reason I say that they're dumber, the guy holding a sign advertising Dominoes upside down didn't help their case. Southern taxi dispatchers are also idiots.

3) They drive slow as hell
--Man, they are way too relaxed down here. Apparently no one is in a hurry to get anywhere because it seems like almost everyone drives at or below the speed limit. This is particularly frustrating on backcountry single lane roads. Come on people, pick up the pace!

2) No one works here
--I wanted to stop at a BBQ place in South Carolina but almost all of the ones I looked up were open 3-4 days per week. Right now I'm in Charleston, SC (very touristy city) and all the stores close at 5, I guess it's good for work-life balance, but how does anyone make money here?! If this is Southern living, sign me up.

1) Their history
--I'm sorry, but as someone born and raised in the Northeast, I can't get over the confederate flags. I can understand the argument that it's just about Southern history, but if people don't realize what it stands for now they're idiots (see number 4) or they're just blatantly racist. Luckily #4 basically prevents the bumper stickers saying the South will rise again from coming true.

Now, as I said at the start, there's a lot to like about the South. That post will be either coming tonight, or tomorrow.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week 4 NFL Picks

Here y'all go! As always, these picks are guaranteed winners.

Week 4 Picks

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Falllon: Hip Hip History

Not that they're creating history, just reviewing it. Fallon did a surprisingly good job on it and The Roots (Philly what) killed it.