Thursday, February 18, 2010

Only In Philly

I can't find an embeddable video that works, so watch from this link:

Who steals an ambulance? Honestly!

I really don't see what you gain out of jacking an ambulance, I have to imagine that their isn't a big resale market for those things, it's kinda hard to strip it and flip it. Maybe you can sell some of the parts, but it's not the type of thing that people forget about easily, I'm sure they have some heavy duty pain killers and stuff in those things. Crazy.

On a separate but still Philly note, how crazy is this:

I didn't watch the whole video, but supposedly it was discovered because a student was written up for inappropriate conduct he did AT HOME!!! I don't know what administrator thought this would be a good idea, or if it was even a sanctioned action, but if this case pans out I'd love to here more details about it.


  1. not awesome- makes me glad I have a crappy old laptop with no camera

  2. I don't care if people look through my webcam, half the posts on my blog I type while taking a shit. If they look through my webcam, jokes on them!

    Stupid ass kids should know better. What school gives out laptops to students? They should've smelled something fishy (ayyy yo) at the jump!
