Most of the attention has been on D.C., but Philly got it's fair share of snow this past week. It was all people at work could talk about Tuesday, especially as it became clear that everything would be shut down on Wednesday. Sure enough, the snow started rolling in around 7 PM Tuesday night and didn't really stop until 11 PM Wednesday. For the most part it was a steady, moderate snowfall, but sometimes it really started coming down. As predicted work was cancelled on Wednesday and it was supposed to have a delayed start at 11 AM Thursday. However, when I called the weather hotline at 10 AM this morning, it was announced that manufacturing operations would not begin until 2nd shift! Boom, two snow days in a row, epic win. It's really sunny now (as it always is in Philadelphia) and the roads are starting to clear up so I'll definitely be back in to work tomorrow. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, the power went out in my apartment for 3-4 hours this morning, that wasn't horrible, but it kind of sucked. Here are some pictures I snapped of the snow around my place.

Trill pics. Looks like you live in a school.