Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jing's visit to Orlando

The entire Styles 101 Music Group made an appearance in Orlando this weekend as part bid to take over the dirty south. I picked him up on Friday from the resort where he was staying at Disney (-1 point for making me drive through Disney). We went back to my spot for a bit before heading out for dinner at a super trill establishment, 4 Rivers Smokehouse.

Pulled pork, brisket, and burnt ends sliders with BBQ beans and smoked jalapenos? Yes please.

They give you a lot of food with your meal, but Jing wanted some dessert, so he decided to get a slice of cake.
Jing going very hard in the cake, I think that one slice had 2000 calories in it...

After finishing our dinner we made our way to the Amway Center in downtown Orlando to see the Magic take on the Nuggets. The Amway center is brand new (inaugural season) and is really nice, though a bit generic. We decided to go all out and get (relatively) lower level seats (counted as 100 level...). The game was very sloppy but ended with the Magic winning on a buzzer beater 3 pointer so that was super trill.

Another highlight of the game was probably an older guy who sat in the front row of the lower level who would become very irate whenever the refs made what he felt was a bad call. It quickly became clear that he was a regular fan since they would always put him up on the jumbotron and they even had a clip of him playing when they were trying to get people make noise. His name is Jack Nelson, but he also goes by Sweater Vest Guy:

After the game we saw the set up for the post game show outside the arena, Jing was trying to get on TV:

Jing and I were both spent after the game, so we came back to my place and watched a movie and crashed.

On Saturday we grabbed lunch a place called The Ravenous Pig, unfortunately I didn't get any pics, but it was quite good. He got an oyster and shrimp po boy, and I got a steak sandwich with avocado salsa and tomato marmalade, both came with very good fries. They bill themselves as a gastropub, and even though their beer selection is not huge, it offers some very good options. I went for a Bell's Oberon (which I'm sure K has had) and I was quite happy with it.

Later in the afternoon we tried to be as southern as possible, so we went to the shooting range. Neither of us had ever shot a gun before, so we didn't really know how the range worked but the guy set up us well. He gave us a 38 caliber revolver since he said it was the easiest to use and still very fun.

Waka Approved.

It was an interesting experience, it was loud as hell in the range, even with ear protection, and you could definitely feel the kick with every shot. We went through 2 bags of ammunition and had a 3 round shooting contest that I won, causing Jing to purchase my dinner for that night. We agreed it was an odd feeling knowing that everyone around you could kill you if they wanted, but I guess it works on mutual trust....? I probably wouldn't go on my own, but if someone else wanted to try it I would go again.



After the range we grabbed my winner's dinner (Chipotle, Jing's choice) and went back to the spot. We were going to hit up a bar, but ended up talking to this hipster on video chat.

Nice glasses and earbuds....sucka

The shooting range also inspired us to play Call of Duty until 3 in the morning, yeah, we're cool.

On Sunday we walked around my neighborhood and grabbed some cuban sandwiches for lunch (very good). We also did some celebrity watching...


Apparently he's a regular in the Winter Park area, when I looked up his name and WP it showed Carrot Top Inc. being located right around me (maybe I should apply for a job there).

That about sums up the weekend, good time overall and I was glad to check off two things from my Florida list: Magic game/seeing Dwight Howard play, and shooting range. Dipset.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post buddy. Although seeing Jing at the shooting range seems a little weird. For some reason I think he would be more comfortable with nunchakus and some killer sai.
